Thoracic Outlet Syndrome in a Maryland Worker’s Compensation Case

Thoracic outlet syndrome in a Maryland Worker’s Compensation case. What is Thoracic Outlet Syndrome Thoracic outlet syndrome (TOS) is a condition caused by compression of nerves or blood vessels in the thoracic outlet, the area between the base of the neck and the armpit, including the front of the shoulders and chest. There are three types of […]

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in a Maryland Workers Compensation Case

Carpal tunnel syndrome in a Maryland Workers Compensation case The nerves in your body are responsible for transmitting messages to and from your brain. If the nerves are compressed, damaged, or irritated, numbness can occur. Finger numbness may affect your ability to pick things up. You may feel clumsy and as if you’ve lost strength in your […]

Neck Injuries in Maryland Workers Compensation Claims

Neck Injuries in Maryland Workers Compensation Claims Neck injuries in a Maryland Workers Compensation claim create numerous issues that often result in insurance companies refusing to pay for necessary treatment unless ordered to do so by the Maryland Workers Compensation Commission. Issues include the following: Was there a preexisting neck problem? It is not unusual […]

Can an Uber or LYFT Driver File a Maryland Workers Compensation claim?

Can an Uber or LYFT Driver File a Maryland Workers Compensation claim? There are no Maryland appellate cases addressing the issue of whether an Uber or Lyft driver can file a Maryland workers compensation claim. The issue depends upon whether the Uber of Lyft driver is an employee or an independent contractor. If the Uber […]

Back Injury in a Maryland Workers Compensation Claim

Back Injuries in a Maryland Workers Compensation Claim What are the different kinds of low back pain? Eighty percent of adults experience low back pain at some point in their lifetimes. It is the most common cause of job-related disability and missed work days. Low back pain can range from a dull ache to a […]

Maryland Workers Comp Lawyer-Make Insurance Companies Pay

Maryland Workers Comp Lawyer-Make Insurance Companies Pay        It will be awesome if the insurance company always did in a timely manner what the law requires them to do. However, is very common for the insurance company not do what they’re legally required to do. That is why it is important to have a Maryland […]

Maryland workers compensation claims – Light Duty

What does an employee do when released to light duty? In Maryland workers compensation claims, there are times when either your treating doctor or a doctor chosen by the insurance company releases you to return to work light duty . Returning to work on light duty is an excellent way to avoid job loss.This raises […]

Vocational Rehabilitation In Maryland Workers Compensation

Vocational Rehabilitation in Maryland Workers Compensation If as a result of the injuries received at work you are no longer able to do the type of work you were doing before the accident, then the workers’ compensation insurance company must pay to provide either job placement or vocational rehabilitation to retrain you for a new […]

What is a Rating?

Workers Compensation Attorneys Use Impairment Ratings in Order to Obtain a Permanent Disability Award The purpose of this blog article will be to explain what a rating is and how it is used by Maryland workers compensation attorneys in determining permanent disability in a workers’ compensation case. The Worker’s Compensation commission can make an award […]

Maryland Workers Compensation Benefits

What Maryland workers compensation benefits a person can recover in a workers’ compensation claim? When a person is injured on the job, he/she can file a workers’ compensation claim and receive workers compensation benefits . Filing a Workers Compensation claim entitles you to valuable  workers compensation benefits including lost wages, medical benefits, vocational rehabilitation and a permanent […]

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