12 claims you can make under your car insurance when you are in a car accident

Guide to understanding your car insurance when you have a car accident The purpose of this article is to explain how insurance works when you have a car accident. Each state requires a minimum amount of insurance. If you can afford it, you should consider purchasing additional coverage since the minimum required by the State […]

Top 10 Frequently asked question regarding effects of filing bankruptcy on an auto accident claim

Top 10 Frequently asked question regarding effects of filing bankruptcy on an auto accident claim Is my auto accident claim effected by filing bankruptcy? Answer: The simple answer is yes. Can I keep the same lawyer for my accident claim after I file bankruptcy? Answer: Yes. What often happens in a Chapter 7 case is […]

Top Mistakes When Hiring a Maryland Car Accident Lawyer

Top Mistakes When Hiring a Maryland Car Accident Lawyer  Hiring the lawyer, you see advertising on television. Clients assume that lawyers who advertise on television must be great because they are well known and are almost like celebrities. However, this is a false impression. Lawyers advertise on television because they can- not obtain enough clients […]

Top Mistakes Made in your Maryland Car Accident Case

Top mistakes made in your Maryland car accident case Failure to call the police immediately Failure to locate witnesses Failure to obtain the names, addresses and telephone numbers of all of the witnesses Failure to obtain all of the relevant information at the scene. Do not rely on the police officer to do so Failure […]

Can I Re-Open My Workers Compensation Claim Once It Is Settled?

Can I re-open my workers Compensation claim once it is settled? The answer may be yes depending on whether you left your Workers Compensation case open or you closed it. Even if you have closed it, there may be a limited number of situations where you may be able to re-open the settled case. This […]


YOU SHOULD NEVER SIGN A RELEASE OF ALL CLAIMS IN A CAR ACCIDENT CASE UNTIL YOU HAVE DISCUSSED YOUR CASE WITH AN ATTORNEY. Normally, if you obtain an attorney and after consultation with the attorney, you sign a release of claims, then you are going to be bound by the release and unable to re-open […]

Is a plaintiff’s status as an undocumented immigrant relevant and admissible evidence in this personal injury action?

Is a plaintiff’s status as an undocumented immigrant relevant and admissible evidence in this personal injury action? The leading Maryland case on this issue is RIGOBERTO E. DOMINGOS AYALA, ET AL. v. ROBERT FREDERICK LEE 215 Md. App. 457, 81 A.3d 584 (2013). The Ayala case involved an illegal alien who was making a personal […]

Can an Undocumented and illegal alien file suit in a Maryland Court for personal injuries?

Can an Undocumented and illegal alien file suit in a Maryland Court for personal injuries? The simple answer is yes an undocumented immigrant or illegal alien can file suit in a Maryland Court for personal injuries . While Maryland has not directly addressed this issue, The Maryland Appellate Courts have recently decided two cases where […]

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