TOP THIRTY- ONE TIPS ON HOW TO FILE A CLAIM AGAINST THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT FOR AN AUTO ACCIDENT A claim must be filed with the appropriate federal agency responsible for the negligent conduct under the Federal Tort Claims Act (FTCA) The standard form 95 or SF95 form which is at the end of this article […]
Tag Archives: auto accident lawyer in Baltimore
Eight reasons why a car accident victim must give an examination under oath
Eight reasons why a car accident victim must give an examination under oath Must a car accident victim give a statement under oath to the insurance company when making a claim for uninsured motorist benefits, underinsured motorist benefits or a personal injury protection benefits. The simple answer is yes. In order to file an uninsured […]
Injured in a car accident caused by a Baltimore County police officer or other Baltimore County employees
If you are in a car accident caused by a Baltimore County police officer or other Baltimore County employees, there are procedures you must follow in order to be compensated for the damage to your car, loss of use of your car, (rental car) injuries to your body as well as lost wages, medical expenses […]
Injured in a Car accident caused by a Maryland Transit Administration (MTA) bus, mobility bus, Marc Train, light rail, and or metro subway.
Injured in a Car accident caused by a Maryland Transit Administration (MTA) bus, mobility bus, Marc Train, light rail, and or metro subway. If you are in a car accident caused by a Maryland Transit Administration (MTA) bus, mobility bus, Marc Train, light rail, and or metro subway, there are procedures you must follow in […]
TOP 20 FACTS YOU NEED TO KNOW WHEN INVOLVED IN A CAR ACCIDENT WITH A STATE OF MARYLAND VEHICLE If you are in a car accident caused by a State of Maryland car or employees, there are procedures you must follow in order to be compensated for the damage to your car, loss of use […]
Can a Maryland State Employee Sue The State Of Maryland When Involved in a Car Accident?
A State employee involved in an accident within the scope of his public duties is immune from suit and judgment if the accident occurs in Maryland. The employee may have such immunity if the accident occurs in another state. If the accident involves the employee’s personal vehicle, he may have additional or alternative liability […]
In An Accident While Test Driving a Car Dealership Automobile, Whose Insurance Pays?
In an accident while test driving a car dealership automobile, whose insurance pays? In a situation where the at fault vehicle in a car accident is a dealership’s vehicle that was being test driven by a customer at the time, whose insurance pays? The dealership’s insurance has denied liability because they state they do not […]
What Money Can I Recover As a Result of a Truck, Motorcycle Or Baltimore Car Accident?
What Money Can I Recover As a Result of a Truck, Motorcycle Or Baltimore Car Accident? The first item of damage in a car accident is the damage to your motor vehicle. Motor vehicle damages has three parts. Actual physical damage to the vehicle. You have the absolute right to have your vehicle fixed at […]
What Is My Car Accident or Personal Injury Case Worth?
How does a lawyer know what is my car accident or personal injury case worth? Does the lawyer just pick a number out of the air? Does the lawyer make it up? Can I just multiply the medical times three? What is the magic secret? I have been evaluating, settling, and trying auto accident and […]
Are Car Accident Settlements Marital Property Under Maryland Divorce Laws?
Are car accident settlements marital property under Maryland Divorce laws? The purpose of this article is to determine whether a personal injury settlement is considered Marital property under the Maryland Marital Property act and therefore subject to division between spouses if they are divorced. The Maryland appellate courts have interpreted the Maryland Marital Property act […]