Top 22 reasons a truck is at fault in an accident.

There are many different reasons why truck accidents take place. Below is a list of the top 22 reasons trucks are more likely to be involved in an accident.

  1. Speed of truck. An accident can be caused if a truck is going above the speed limit or below the speed limit. The U.S. Department of Transportation’s Federal Highway Administration research on traffic speed in 1998 proved:
  • The evidence shows the risk of having a crash is increased both for vehicles traveling slower than the average speed, and for those traveling above the average speed.
  • The risk of being injured increases exponentially with speeds much faster than the median speed. With trucks because of their weight and size the risk is even greater.
  • The severity/lethality of a crash depends on the vehicle speed change at impact.
  • Most crashes related to speed involve speed too fast for the conditions.
  • speeding (traveling too fast for the prevailing conditions or above the posted speed limit is a factor in about 40 percent of road deaths.
  • Speed kills, and traveling above the speed limit is an easy way to cause a car accident. The faster you drive, the slower your reaction time will be if you need to prevent an auto accident.
  1. Driver impairment. Factors that prevent the driver from driving at their normal level of skill. Common impairments include:
  • Alcohol- 40% of fatally injured drivers consumed some quantity of alcohol before the collision.
  • Physical impairment- Poor eyesight and/or physical impairment
  • Youth- higher incidence of collisions and fatalities among drivers aged in their teens or early twenties. These drivers have the highest incidence of both collisions and fatalities among all driver age groups. Females in this age group exhibit somewhat lower collision and fatality rates than males but still register well above the median for drivers of all ages. The highest collision incidence rate occurs within the first year of licensed driving.
  • Old age- driver retesting for reaction speed and eyesight after a certain age should be required.
  • Fatigue-Sleep deprivation- a special problem with truck drivers who are required to be on the road for long periods in order to make a living.
  • Drug use- Including prescription drugs like opioids, over the counter drugs like antihistamines and illegal drugs
  • Combining low doses of alcohol and marihuana has a more severe effect on driving performance than either in isolation,
  • Taking recommended doses of several drugs together may combine to bring on drowsiness or other impairment.
  1. Distraction-Driver’s attention is affected by distracting sounds such as conversations and cell phones. Hands-free cell phone use is not a safer option, because the brain remains distracted by the conversation and cannot focus solely on the task of driving Music can also have an effect; classical music could relax the driver to a condition of distraction. Hard rock can encourage the driver to step on the acceleration pedal.
  2. Road Design- 34% of serious crashes had contributing factors related to the roadway or its environment. The road or environmental factor was either noted as making a significant contribution to the circumstances of the crash, or did not allow room to recover. Research has shown that careful design and maintenance, with well-designed intersections, road surfaces, visibility and traffic control devices, can result in significant improvements in collision rates.
  3. Reckless Driving- reckless drivers often speed, change lanes frequently, and tail-gate causing a truck accident. Reckless drivers are often aggressive drivers.
  4. Rain- Water creates slick and dangerous surfaces for trucks and often causes trucks to spin out of control or skid while braking.
  5. Running red lights- Drivers that run red lights, run the risk of causing wrongful death because they often cause side-impact collisions at high speeds.
  6. Running a stop sign- Many truck accidents occur because one driver ran a stop sign. Many rollover accidents and side-impact car accidents result from drivers that run stop signs.
  7. Night Driving- Many truck drivers continue to drive at night when they are tired and visibility is poor. Driving at night nearly doubles the risk of a car accident occurring.
  8. Design defects in trucks- Trucks have hundreds of parts, and any of those defective parts can cause a serious truck accident.
  9. Unsafe lane changes- trucks are large by nature and a change of lanes when there is already a vehicle in that lane can be deadly
  10. Wrong way driving- truck drivers often drive in areas they are unfamiliar with and can make a wrong turn and be on a highway heading in the wrong direction. A truck accident involving a heavy truck traveling in the wrong direction can be deadly.
  11. Improper turns-An accident is more likely to happen when a truck makes an improper turn. It is harder to avoid a truck that turns in front of you then if it is a smaller car.
  12. Tailgating-A truck driver that tailgates another vehicle is extremely dangerous because the time it takes a truck to stop is much longer than a car.
  13. Snow or Ice- Trucks sliding on snow or ice can result in a horrific accident likely leading to multiple deaths. A truck out of control is as dangerous as a bullet
  14. Road Rage- Has become a huge issue as drivers get in a dispute and then decide to use their vehicle as a weapon.
  15. Pot holes- Drivers run the risk of losing control of their car or blowing out a tire when they drive over these potholes.
  16. Tire blowouts- Truck tires often blow out and can result in the truck driver losing control of the vehicle
  17. Fog- Can make it difficult for a truck driver to see a vehicle that has slowed or stopped in front of the truck. Fog therefore reduces reaction time necessary in order to bring a truck to a safe stop.
  18. Deadly curves- Trucks traveling too fast around a deadly curve can result in a head on collision with oncoming traffic.
  19. Animal crossings- trucks tend to travel in rural areas where it is not unusual to have wild animals like dear cross into their pathway requiring the truck to take fast emergency actions to avoid the animal and avoid other cars.
  20. High Wind- especially in the mountains, high winds can force a truck to swerve into other lanes and cause a crash with other vehicles.
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