Am I Suing Employer Workers Compensation Claim

Every employer in the State of Maryland is required to purchase workers’ compensation insurance. Any workers’ compensation claim is against the insurance company your employer has named. All workers’ compensation benefits are paid by that insurance company and as long as there is insurance, the employer is not responsible for any payments. All claim disputes are decided by the Maryland Workers Compensation Commission. There are no law suits filed in the regular court system and no judgements will be entered against your employer. Other than a workers’ compensation claim, no claim is actually filed against your employer, although he is notified that a claim has been filed with the Workers’ Compensation Commission.

Workers Compensation benefits are just like any other benefit provided by the employer. If you have health insurance at work, you have no second thoughts about using the health insurance if you or your family is sick. If you have a life insurance death benefit at work, you would expect your loved ones to file the claim for death benefit under a life insurance policy provided by your employer. If you are sick and unable to work, you would expect to be paid if your employer offers sick leave as a benefit. So, there should be the same comfort when filing the workers’ compensation claim. The workers’ compensation claim provides a similar benefit except it only applies when you are injured on the job.

Suing Employer Workers Compensation Claim

A good employer and or a caring employer should be glad there is insurance to take care of his or her employee’s needs. Despite the above, there are still uncaring employers who take it personally when an eployee files a claim with their insurance company. These are usually employers who have made it clear in the past that they really do not care about their employees.

Finally, under Maryland law, because you are required to file a workers compensation claim, you are in fact not allowed to sue your employer except in very limited circumstances.

Please CLICK HERE for more info on Workers Comp in Baltimore. 

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