TWELVE REASONS WHY YOU NEED GAP INSURANCE IN CASE OF A MARYLAND CAR ACCIDENT When you purchase a vehicle from a car dealership, the sales pitch often includes gap insurance. The reason is that your car loses value the moment you drive it off the lot. In fact, the minute you sign the paperwork, your […]


DAY I Interview of client Make client appointment with treating doctor close to where they live WEEK ONE Report accident to both insurance companies Letter of representation to both insurance companies Attempt to get Insurance company to accept responsibility Make arrangements thru either insurance company to fix clients car Obtain rental car for client If […]

What Is My Car Accident or Personal Injury Case Worth?

How does a lawyer know what is my car accident or personal injury case worth? Does the lawyer just pick a number out of the air? Does the lawyer make it up? Can I just multiply the medical times three? What is the magic secret? I have been evaluating, settling, and trying auto accident and […]

What is An Uninsured or UnderInsured Motorist Claim Under Maryland Car Accident Law?

What is an Uninsured or Underinsured motorist claim under Maryland car accident law? When you are involved in an accident that is the fault of another driver who either has no insurance (Uninsured)or not enough insurance(underinsured) or has statutory immunity, you may be able to file a claim with your insurance company. If you are […]

What Protections Are Available to the Injured Party at an Independent Medical Evaluation (IME)?

What protections are available to the injured party at an Independent Medical Evaluation (IME)? The right to an IME is provided by the Maryland Rules in a civil case and by the Workers Compensation regulations in a worker’s compensation case. Maryland Rule 2-423. Mental or physical examination of persons When the mental or physical condition […]

Are Car Accident Settlements Marital Property Under Maryland Divorce Laws?

Are car accident settlements marital property under Maryland Divorce laws? The purpose of this article is to determine whether a personal injury settlement is considered Marital property under the Maryland Marital Property act and therefore subject to division between spouses if they are divorced. The Maryland appellate courts have interpreted the Maryland Marital Property act […]

Top Mistakes Made in your Maryland Car Accident Case

Top mistakes made in your Maryland car accident case Failure to call the police immediately Failure to locate witnesses Failure to obtain the names, addresses and telephone numbers of all of the witnesses Failure to obtain all of the relevant information at the scene. Do not rely on the police officer to do so Failure […]

Is a plaintiff’s status as an undocumented immigrant relevant and admissible evidence in this personal injury action?

Is a plaintiff’s status as an undocumented immigrant relevant and admissible evidence in this personal injury action? The leading Maryland case on this issue is RIGOBERTO E. DOMINGOS AYALA, ET AL. v. ROBERT FREDERICK LEE 215 Md. App. 457, 81 A.3d 584 (2013). The Ayala case involved an illegal alien who was making a personal […]

Can an Undocumented and illegal alien file suit in a Maryland Court for personal injuries?

Can an Undocumented and illegal alien file suit in a Maryland Court for personal injuries? The simple answer is yes an undocumented immigrant or illegal alien can file suit in a Maryland Court for personal injuries . While Maryland has not directly addressed this issue, The Maryland Appellate Courts have recently decided two cases where […]

Top 22 Reasons A Truck Is At Fault In An Accident

Top 22 reasons a truck is at fault in an accident. There are many different reasons why truck accidents take place. Below is a list of the top 22 reasons trucks are more likely to be involved in an accident. Speed of truck. An accident can be caused if a truck is going above the […]

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